I have had a little bit of time to think about this question. So why is Mother’s Day such a big deal? Listen up Dads (in particular, the Dad of my children). My answer, quite simply, is that it is a big deal because of the significance the actual day has for our children.
It is a big deal, because when our husbands plan something with our children, that creates in their minds and hearts a wonderful memory, a special day, an annual event that they plan with their Dad. In the end, it really isn’t about me, or mothers.
I don’t really want my husband to go online and buy me a wallet or a bracelet. I don’t want him to order flowers through a 1-800 number or make a late Saturday night run, by himself, to buy cake mix. Nope. Not at all. I want him to make a plan, with my children, a secret plan (that perhaps I know all about because their hushed whispers are not that hushed), that gets them all giggly and excited. Help them pick out the flowers. Go with them to pick out whatever silly gift they want to get mom, even if it the wrong size, the wrong colour and absolutely not useful. Because if you ask them why they picked it out, I bet the reason would make me laugh out loud, and that would be the real gift.
Moms plan everything. I know I do. I plan birthdays, play dates, dinners. We also celebrate everything. Honor Roll, Tooth Fairy, Lacrosse Goals. We enjoy doing it. I think our kids would really enjoy planning Mother’s Day. And yes, sometimes it is so nice to sit back, relax, and have a day planned for you.
xoxo, Rashmi
2 Responses
I have to confess that my husband is the best at helping my kids with Mother’s Day and other holidays. He always takes them shopping and usually it is for an entire afternoon, so I get a big break. They pick what stores they want to shop at and they pick out the gifts themselves. They are very specific about what they want to get for me and even pick out the gift bag etc. Then they think about what we will do for lunch or dinner and plan our meal out. One Birthday I had the choice of 7-11 hotdogs or hibachi. My kids pick out the best gifts and their explanations are so sweet. My husband did confess that for the first time he almost felt embarrassed when paying for the gifts because everyone was staring at the pile of random things he was buying, knowing full well they were for Mother’s Day. However, he knows how great it is to get the gifts the kids pick out so he wasn’t deterred!
Ahh.. it warms my heart to read that Megan. :)