This morning, while the kids were playing nicely together, I sat down with my cup of tea and started reading some of my fave blogs. I use Google Reader. Instead of feeling uplifted by all the inspiration (food, photography, decorating, travel), I just felt yuck. Here I was sitting in my faded owl pajamas from Target, drinking my tea in front of a computer and here were all these other people, having picnics under the Eiffel Tower, going on an amazing cruise to the Mediterranean, hosting a fabulous party in their magazine worthy home and guess what.. it was featured in a magazine. Oh and the other people who apparently love their kids far more than I do mine because they have spent hours and hours perfecting the details on an amazing birthday party, complete with a styled dessert table.


And then, I saw my two munchkins, happily sweeping the kitchen floor and thought two things:

1. We never know the complete story.

2. Be grateful you idiot.

I am glad that people, for the most part, post the best bits of their lives. Glad that most blogs are positive. You really don’t have to air your dirty laundry on blogs,  getting specific about specifics. Of course that would draw more readership, but so did that trial that ended in Florida yesterday. You don’t want a bunch of rubberneckers reading your blog. But when you read only the positives, sometimes you think that these people don’t have problems or any of the usual life stuff. I highly doubt that is true. It is kind of like imagining my house is always pristine. It isn’t. But I would like you to believe it is. haha.

Be grateful. Jot down five things off the top of your head that you are so so grateful for in your life. And without over thinking, here are mine.

1. Grateful that I got to sleep in, till 7:30am. My kids played nicely together and my husband made them breakfast.

2. Grateful that my husband always makes breakfast.

3. Grateful for the rain.

4. Grateful for a day with nothing on the schedule till 4:00pm.

5. Grateful that the house is relatively clean.

So that is what is on my mind. What are you grateful for?

xo, Rashmi

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