Illustration by the brilliant Alanna Cavanagh.

Julia Child didn’t start cooking until she was thirty-seven.

I think sometimes we get caught up with our age, thinking we are too old to do try something new. We might fail miserably… case in point, I tried to learn the Party Rock shuffle yesterday, using youtube instructive videos and I failed miserably. But we are never too old to try.

Yesterday I blogged about the 37 RAKs (Random Acts of Kindness) and I cannot tell you how heart warming it has been to read and hear about all the wonderful things my friends and family have been up to.  Stacey taped a $25 prepaid gas card at the gas station.. for the next person to use. Tisha blogged about her adventure (I should have said that mamas with newborn babies are exempt!). Cindy and Julia made many Starbucks customers happy by paying for the people behind them. Natasha donated new books to a classroom. Old ladies were helped, prime parking spots were generously given, tolls were paid, hand drawn cards were dropped off, toys were bought for people who may not otherwise afford them, turkeys were donated and so much more. Thank you each and every one of you. It really means a lot to me that you spread so much kindness yesterday.

T H A N K  Y O U.

Natasha posted this video on my facebook… and it made me smile. I truly believe this is what happens. Just like Sleep begets Sleep (a mantra for new parents), Good begets Good (a mantra for parents of older kids).

It is simple. Be good. Do good. Don’t expect anything back in return. But watch how it happens anyway.

xo, Rashmi

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