You know what I love to do? When I am driving, and it is warm enough, I love to stick my left hand out of the window and let the wind run through my fingers. On a warm day like yesterday, the moving air still felt chill on my hands. It is like magic really – you can’t see the air, but you can feel it. I imagine what it would look like if the air was coloured blue or yellow. What would it look like? Like waves? Like contrails of an aircraft engine?

The closest thing to seeing air is looking at water I think. I am so drawn to images of water. Sea, lake, river.. just water. Nothing else really needs to be added to make the photograph interesting to me. How strange that such a simple thing makes my creative heart skip a beat.

xo, Rashmi

One Response

  1. I don’t know what you mean by warm days ;), but I love it when you put my feelings into words! Water images make me float and shimmer inside..

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